It Beats TV

Once again I find myself snowed in, this time only for a short while.  The snow wasn't bad enough to completely shut down the town.  But for a few hours there wasn't much activity except for the feeding frenzy outside our dining room window.  The birds and squirrels didn't seem to mind the frigid wind and snow.  They appeared to be stocking up on groceries the way we do when we hear a winter storm is coming.  We had to go outside and "restock the shelves" for them as their feeders got low.  One of the squirrels was especially comical as he dangled from the shepherds hook and stretched out his body to eat from the bird feeder.  He later uncovered an ear of corn we had thrown out there for him a few days ago so he'd leave the bird feeders alone.  The birds seen in the photo album are:  cardinal, downy woodpecker, red bellied woodpecker, purple finch, and flicker.