Day 11 - June 11th - Grand Canyon Scenic Drive

This morning we were up by 5:30, eating breakfast at 6:30, then off on our scenic drive of the Grand Canyon.  There were lots of beautiful overlooks along the way, too numerous to mention, but at one of the stops, Greenland Lake, we took a little hike through the woods and I was able to photograph an Evening Grosbeak.

Continuing along the scenic road, we stopped at an overlook called Angels Window.  On the walk to the overlook I spotted a Western Tanager.  I must confess, that I had no idea what I had spotted, I just knew it was beautiful and I pointed it out to Terry as I was trying to get a picture of it.  Terry told me what it was.  Another bird for my life list as was the Evening Grosbeak.  The picture is not very clear as I found that most of the birds don't hold still long enough for me to focus in on them.
Another hightlight of today's travels was our hike to Cape Final, so named because one more step and it would be your final.  This was a 2 mile hike (one way), but it was well worth it.  The scenery was marvelous and we saw lots of birds and wildflowers along the way.

We were back at the lodge by 3:00 at which time we headed for the gift shop to see about buying some books on the local flora and fauna of the area to help identify what we were seeing.  On the way to the gift shop we were delighted with the sight of the rare and elusive white tailed Kaibab squirrel which is found only on the north rim of the Grand Canyon on the Kaibab Plateau.  I was lucky to have my video camera handy:

After visiting the gift shop we took another nature walk around the area and was able to video tape the thrush that had been building the nest above our door.  After reviewing the tape Terry determined it was a Hermit Thrush.  We also captured on film a Pigmy Nuthatch. 

By 5:30 we were ready to relax for the rest of the day.  We headed to the "saloon" and had a cocktail before dinner.  I had a "Canyon Coffee" which consisted of Baily's, Kahlua, Creme de Cocoa and coffee with whipped cream on top (I was in need of some caffeine - I was fading fast in that altitude), and Terry had a Maker's Mark on the rocks.  After relaxing in the saloon for a while we headed out to the back porch of the lodge and sat in front of the warmth of the roaring fire in their huge outdoor fireplace until it was time for dinner.  

At dinner we were seated at the best seat in the house - right in front of the big picture window overlooking the canyon - it was truly beautiful.  After a big dinner of prime rib, baked potatoes and asparagus, a bottle of wine, and dessert of mint chocolate chip ice cream we were heading back to the room and ready to hit the hay by 8:00.  The perfect ending to a wonderful day in God's country.